The Diabolical Twelve-Step Programmes

Michelle Fleming and Cornelia R. Ferreira, M.Sc.

Alcoholics Anonymous and the Diabolical Twelve-Step Programmes, by Michelle Fleming and Cornelia Ferreira

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Prayer for the Reformation of Alcoholics

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"Pastors, beware! What you have allowed to take place in your church basements is not a non-denominational therapy session, not a simple group discussion, not a healing fellowship — but yet another Masonic attempt to destroy Christ's Church through appealing to the fallen nature of souls."

So warns Michelle Fleming. Her exposé is based on the "inside" information of Alcoholics Anonymous she gathered during twenty years as a non-alcoholic member. Her extensive knowledge of the Masonic New Age Movement enabled her to discern the great danger of A.A. and the other Twelve-Step programmes it spawned.

The well-known New Age critic Cornelia Ferreira adds further evidence of the naturalistic, syncretic and occult underpinnings of these self-help programmes. She shows how they fit into the World Servers network that New Age architect Alice Bailey believed essential for bringing about the Masonic New World Order. She documents how A.A. philosophy has even affected the Sacrament of Confession and seems to have sparked the new phenomenon of Catholic and secular "apologies."

Each of the twelve steps of A.A. is analyzed to show its New Age/occult underpinnings. This powerful analysis applies to A.A.'s spin-off Twelve-Step Programmes as well.

The masses are enlisted into Twelve-Step Programmes and their associated "co-dependency" groups like Al-Anon, believing they are helped in a "Christ-like" manner to overcome addiction. However, they are initiated into the occult and become tools for spreading the one-world religion.

A.A.'s own literature discloses that its founders were practising occultists, and that occult experiences are common amongst its members. The founders also tried LSD to see if they could "cure" alcoholism with drugs.

Alcoholics Anonymous and the Diabolical Twelve-Step Programmes is written from a traditionalist Catholic perspective. Readers will find it a valuable tool for recognizing New Age thought.

Since even the abstinence-promoting Matt Talbot Society has been invaded by A.A. philosophy, Michelle Fleming outlines an orthodox programme that she used for Catholic alcoholics who wish to amend their lives.

This book is crucial to understanding the serious dangers Jungian self-help groups pose to mind and soul.

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(includes the Prayer for the Reformation of Alcoholics)

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  • Roots of Twelve-Step Programmes
  • Some A.A. Characteristics
  • A.A.'s Harmful Effects Recalled
  • The Inside Story
  • Other Ominous Twelve-Step Groups
  • One-World Religion
  • The Twelve Steps Exposed
  • A.A. and Freemasonry
  • Hope for Catholic Alcoholics and Addicts
  • Appendix A: The Wanderer Agrees: A.A. is New Age
  • Appendix B: Naturalism vs. Supernaturalism

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