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In 1889, Freemasonry deemed that, in order to advance its universal socialist republic,

“[f]reedom of thought and conscience of the children has to be developed systematically in the child at school and protected, as far as possible, against all disturbing influences, not only of the Church ..., but also of the children’s own parents, if necessary, even by ... moral and physical compulsion.”

The Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)



The father of
New Age education

John Dewey (1859-1952), father of New Age education

John Dewey


spread the anti-Christian principles of
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)



Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841)



Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920)





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What is New Age Education?
Part I

Cornelia R. Ferreira, M.Sc.

A previous article by this author stated that Catholic education has been replaced by New Age or “global” education.[1] No Catholic parents today should complacently assume that their child’s school, whether public or private, is free of New Age ideology. As far back as 1976, an article in Educational Leadership entitled “Curriculum in Context: The Changing Catholic Schools” concluded:

A period of nearly 150 years has produced an almost common curriculum among Catholic and public schools.... the pervasive social underpinnings for both systems seem to be nearly identical now, and the curricula which stems from their shared basic values will probably continue to look more and more alike.[2]

Indeed, today there is almost no difference between Catholic and other graduates because they are all moulded from the same New Age blueprint. The purpose of this article is to outline the defining features of New Age education in order to enable parents to recognize it in their local schools. Although describing the North American situation, it applies to other countries as well, as educational organizations, UN agencies and modern communication have spread New Age education worldwide.

The New Age Movement is an occult socio-political movement that is attempting to bring about the biblically-predicted world order ruled completely by Satan.[3] It is a total revolution against Christian civilization. Its occult spirituality and seditious politics are introduced into the educational system through mind-control techniques and occult practices that are turning classrooms into training grounds for New World Order citizens. Global education has resulted from a shift in educational philosophy that began at the end of the nineteenth century, but which has been implemented so gradually that most people are still not aware of it.

In the nineteenth century, three Yale graduates, members of Yale’s Illuminati-connected Skull and Bones secret society, went to the University of Berlin. There they studied Hegelian philosophy, which taught that the State is absolute and which was to become the basis of both Naziism and Marxism. Hegel viewed the individual as having value only if he serves society, and society for him meant the State. The ultimate goal of Hegelianism, which is similar to that of the Illuminati, is a socialist global community in which evil is seen as ensuing from capitalism, individualism and religion.[4]

Another revolutionary German influence on American educators in the second half of the nineteenth century was Wilhelm Wundt. He was the founder of experimental psychology, based on the belief that man has no free will, but is an animal who only responds to stimuli. Wundt was also influenced by Hegel and by Johann Herbart, an educational theorist, philosopher and psychologist strongly connected to the Illuminati.[5]

Having mankind acquiesce to slavery and totalitarianism, rather than compelled by force, became the “game plan.” Education would be a fundamental tool in achieving this objective. As far back as 1776, Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, stated: “We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools....”[6] In 1884, Pope Leo XIII warned that Freemasonry “endeavours to take to itself the education of youth. They think that they can easily mould to their opinions that soft and pliant age, and bend it whither they will; and that nothing can be more fitted than this to enable them to bring up the youth of the State after their own plan.”[7] For over a century schools have been implementing the revolutionary Hegelian-Herbartian-Wundtian system in which education is not meant to impart knowledge, but to condition children to live as future socialists and collectivists in a world society.

Let us look briefly at how they have proceeded.

An Education in Ignorance

New Age education is not meant to impart knowledge, but to condition children to live as future socialists and collectivists in a world society.
When the revolutionary Yale trio and other Americans who received doctorates under Wundt returned to the United States, they founded or took over teachers’ colleges and departments of psychology and pedagogy in universities[8] and spread the new educational system that combined the ideas of Hegelian totalitarianism with experimental psychology. Hegelianism stressed community over individualism, whilst experimental psychology helped develop the art of mass brainwashing. So even before 1900 education was merged with psychology, forming a new educational — actually anti-educational — system that is worldwide today.

One person who studied the new system under Hegelian and Wundtian professors was John Dewey (1859-1952), the “father” of progressive, modern education. Not surprisingly, he taught that education is a tool for social change. Education is not to develop the child’s talents and knowledge, but only to prepare him to fit into society, into the absolute State.[9] He explained his anti-educational creed as follows:

Genuine ignorance [is] profitable because it is likely to be accompanied by ... open-mindedness; whereas ability to repeat catch phrases, cant terms, familiar propositions ... coats the mind with varnish waterproof to new ideas.[10]

Dewey’s theories became the backbone of the new educational philosophy as they were spread thanks to massive funding by foundations such as Ford, Carnegie and Rockefeller, which were controlled or influenced by the Skull and Bones society.[11]

Dewey was also one of the founders of the religion popularly known as “secular” humanism,[12] so his Masonic-initiated education came to be called secular humanist education. It has gained increasing support for a totalitarian world society, thanks to experimental psychology’s conditioning techniques, which have turned schools into behavioral laboratories, with pupils the equivalent of lab animals. Today we’re seeing the results of an educational policy that shifted from the development of intellectual skills to that of changing and manipulating human behaviour to bring about the new world order. Teachers are openly called change agents.[13] The reformed Catholic psychologist William Coulson admits that he and associate Carl Rogers turned classroom education into group psychotherapy. Although they rapidly destroyed religious teaching orders and Catholic schools, Coulson says their methods continued to be used in Catholic classrooms and on youth retreats.[14]

More intensive conditioning is given to high achievers in special programs designed to train leaders for the new world order. The most notorious of these are the Governors’ Schools. They are summer sessions or year-round academies in various states for that state’s brightest junior high students. The most infamous school is the one founded by then-governor Bill Clinton in Arkansas. The destruction of values by these schools is so great that students have committed suicide on returning to an environment into which they no longer fit.[15]

Now what exactly are the political and spiritual values of the new world order? They are summarized in the three Humanist Manifestos, which call for the formation of a world community and a one-world government. Their environmental stance includes forced population control to reduce the depletion of natural resources. Reducing military spending and banning nuclear, biological and chemical weapons is mandatory, as is the equalizing of wealth worldwide.

On the spiritual side, the Manifestos declare that the Ten Commandments are an obstacle to human progress and peace, and there is no absolute truth revealed by a transcendent God. Instead, truth is to be found within ourselves, and that is where we look for answers. This implies each one of us is a god. When we find the answers within us, we will be able to heal the world, which has suffered divisiveness because of religious values, especially those of Christianity.[16] Having done away with the Commandments, the Manifestos champion all forms of sexual behaviour and demand as rights abortion, birth control, suicide, euthanasia and divorce.

The new world community will allegedly be a utopian society in which everyone will live in tolerance and peace, because the major source of division — Christianity, with its rigid moral code — will be gone. The one-world religion for this utopia must necessarily be occultism.

Another Error of Russia

"The political function of the school.... is to construct Communist society.”
All these ideas that glorify man are taught in New Age or global education, which has countless other names, like World Core Curriculum, peace education, outcome-based education, multicultural/international curriculum development, etc. The following presidential educational initiatives have progressively implemented the New Age agenda: America 2000 (Presidents Reagan and Bush, Sr., together with all state governors, including Bill Clinton), Goals 2000 and School-to-Work (President Clinton), and No Child Left Behind (President Bush, Jr.).[17]

Whatever the name, global education can be recognized by what it teaches: naturalistic humanism, feminism, Marxism, sex education, moral autonomy, environmentalism, pacifism, disarmament, conflict resolution, dialectical "critical thinking," world citizenship, compulsory community service, population control, evolution, religious indifferentism, paganism, syncretism, earth worship and occultism. These topics are not necessarily subjects, but are part of a new way of teaching that presents everything from the globalist point of view. It’s a values-laden attitude infused into every subject from pre-school to adult education so as to capture the minds of everyone and win their acceptance of the new world order. It’s a political and religious indoctrination that imposes upon students radically liberal and anti-Christian biases.

Let’s look at how some of the main tenets of this education are being implemented.

First is the destruction of loyalty to parents, Church and nation as this loss of loyalties is necessary before one can be a world citizen. In 1889, Freemasonry deemed that, in order to advance its universal socialist republic, “[f]reedom of thought and conscience of the children has to be developed systematically in the child at school and protected, as far as possible, against all disturbing influences, not only of the Church ..., but also of the children’s own parents, if necessary, even by ... moral and physical compulsion.”[18]

The chief instrument for carrying out Masonic goals is Communism, whose founders were Illuminati recruits. Occultist Alice Bailey, the New Age leader whose meticulously- followed books outlined the Masonic plan for establishing its world community, wrote in the 1950s, “The U.S.S.R. expresses the will ... to produce new conditions and a new order — planned and determined and foreseen.”[19]

Today’s education is one of the errors of Russia that Our Lady of Fatima prophesied would be spread throughout the world if her words were not heeded. As far back as 1928, Dewey glowingly described

the marvelous development of progressive educational ideas and practices under ... the Bolshevist government to foster the required collective and cooperative mentality.... The great task of the school is to counteract ... the influence of home and Church.... Thorough-going collectivists regard the traditional family as exclusive and isolating in effect and hence as hostile to a truly communal life.... The institution of the family is being sapped indirectly rather than by frontal attack.... Our special concern here is with the role of the schools in building up forces and factors whose natural effect is to undermine the importance and uniqueness of family life.... Soviet education may perhaps be suitably [described] by a quotation from Lenin: “We must declare openly what is concealed, namely, the political function of the school.... It is to construct communist society.”[20]

In 1932, William Foster, head of the American Communist Party, forecast that in achieving a “Soviet America,”

Class ideologies of the past will give place to scientific materialist philosophy. Among the elementary measures the American Soviet government will adopt to further the cultural revolution are the following: the schools, colleges, and universities will be coordinated and grouped under the national Department of Education and its ... branches. The studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic, and other features of the bourgeoisie ideology. The students will be taught on the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism [i.e., Hegelianism], internationalism, and the general ethics of the new socialist society.... God will be banished from ... the schools.[21]

Sovietization had advanced far enough by 1970 for The White House Conference on Children and Youth to resolve, “Society [i.e., the State] has the ultimate responsibility for the ... development of all children....” The conference considered allowing the child “birth control information and even abortion, without parental consent or over parental opposition.”[22]

In 1985, American education was officially Sovietized when the U.S. signed the Soviet-American Exchange Agreement (negotiated by the Carnegie Corporation). It agreed to let the Soviets develop curricula for American schools.[23] President Clinton’s Goals 2000, made law in 1994, borrowed heavily from Soviet educator Vladmir Turchenko.[24]

The Neo-Gnostic Classroom

The classroom’s war against Christianity was openly declared in 1983 when The Humanist, the journal of The American Humanist Association, published a prize-winning essay that proclaimed:

... the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly view their role as the proselytizers of a new faith.... The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between ... the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism ... [and] humanism will emerge triumphant.[25]

The first line of attack was for the State to get children under its charge from the earliest possible age. The working mother, abandoning children to daycare, early childhood education and kindergarten, greatly facilitated this process.[26]

"The great task of the school is to counteract ... the influence of home and Church." (John Dewey)

The next step was attacking Christian values through education labelled values clarification, situation ethics or critical thinking, which destroys the idea of moral absolutes. Learning to repudiate all authority, children are led to believe that they can decide for themselves whether an idea or action is right or wrong, depending on the situation or their feelings. Following the methodology of humanistic psychology, classrooms become centres of self-examination in which the peer group shapes one’s morals. Popular tools are are questionnaires that elicit a student’s opinion on a certain moral situation, and discussions in which teachers — and often students — are facilitators or group therapists, not purveyors of absolute values.

Here is an example of a typical questionnaire, used in a Grade 6 class in a Toronto Catholic school. Titled “Value Conflicts,” it presents the 11-year old with two situations requiring a moral reaction, asking him, “What would you do?”

In the first incident, the child overhears an older student bragging about vandalizing their school’s science fair projects. In the second, he witnesses a friend shoplifting. For each incident, Part 1 of the questionnaire asks, “What decisions are possible?”

Part 2 has the following fill-in-the-blank sentences:

Because I value        I think I should        .  I would        .

To Part 1, an honest child will say, “I will tell on him.” To Part 2, he writes, “Because I value honesty, I think I should tell the teacher (incident 1) or security guard (incident 2).” However, children with other “values” might write, “Because I value not being beat up (or being friends), I think I should keep quiet.”

Now, valuing honesty is not the same as knowing one must practise honesty. But in this exercise, the child is led to believe that his choice of action need depend only on what he values — not on what’s right and wrong. A follow-up classroom discussion might lead an honest child to think that there are “grey” areas in morality, that human respect or fear of retaliation are valid reasons for not reporting criminal behaviour. In the humanist scheme of things, morality means acting in accord with your beliefs and feelings. It is easy to see what hundreds of such exercises will do to the conscience of a young child.

Under the umbrella of values clarification come decision-making programmes such as drug education, sex and AIDS education, death or suicide education, etc., in which children don’t get an authoritative “thou shalt not,” but rather, they are encouraged to make their own choices. (The questionnaire described above is a decision-making exercise.)

Values clarification and decision-making programmes are types of non-directive education, “fathered” by the humanist psychologists and educators, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and William Coulson. Another name for it is affective education because it is feeling-centered. Children consult each other and discuss their feelings. Maslow and Coulson later repudiated such education because it is anti-authoritative and children do not learn anything whilst engaged in “sensitivity training” in classrooms that are “center[s] of self-examination.”[27]

Coulson points out that certain companies have vested interests in non-directive education.[28] Marlboro Cigarettes, he says, “is behind the whole Affective Decision-making movement.” Marlboro has poured millions of dollars into programmes which teach children to make their own decisions about things like smoking. Ortho, the contraceptive manufacturer, published a teacher training manual that recommended that students lead discussions. Coulson says that contraceptive users, i.e., the morally impaired students, are the more aggressive, and they land up teaching their values to the more timid children. Peer pressure will be the teacher if no absolutes are taught. On drug education, he warns, “If we try to teach kids responsible decision-making about drugs, we are teaching them to commit suicide.” (Interestingly, the Masonic Foundation of Ontario has funded drug and alcohol abuse programs in Ontario high schools.[29]) Regarding sex ed, Coulson cites a Planned Parenthood finding that kids who receive it have a 40% increased possibility of becoming sexually active.[30]

Now, the homosexual lifestyle is a right demanded in the 1973 Humanist Manifesto, which is widely accepted as the ethical foundation of the new world order. So homosexuality must be made acceptable. Children are being indocrinated with homosexual curricula, even in Catholic schools.

The so-called “Catholic” K-12 AIDS program in Ontario was designed by the American National Catholic Education Association and Toronto’s Institute for Catholic Education. It is endorsed by Canadian and American bishops. It is a decision-making program whose rationale seems to be this 1989 American bishops’ statement on HIV/AIDS that it cites: “people need education ... so that they will choose wisely...” (emphasis added). It instructs teachers to invite members of homosexual advocacy groups into the classroom and have students participate in events like the National Walk for AIDS. It also teaches students to propagandize their peers, thus making moot parents’ removal of children from objectionable classes.[31]

Will AIDS programs produce a 40% increase in homosexuality amongst teenagers? Certainly, Ontario’s program is having the desired effect of reducing “homophobia” and discrimination.[32] In 2002, a teenager obtained a court injunction forcing his Catholic school board to allow him to attend the prom with his boyfriend. The Ontario Superior Court said Catholic schools cannot “indoctrinate” students in the Faith while receiving public funds. Barring gay dates would breach equality rights and be discriminatory. The teen’s parents celebrated the ruling.[33]

"The ultimate goal is an international workforce, centrally controlled, locally managed, and loyal to the new global ... ideals."
In order to check the progress of indoctrination, mandated governmental tests, under the guise of assessing academic achievement at certain grade levels, ascertain whether attitudes and behaviour meet desired globalist standards or “outcomes.” So another term for global education is Outcome(s)-Based Education or Mastery Learning. If the child doesn’t display “correct” attitudes, he gets “remediated” and is re-tested (“recycled”) until he “masters” the politically-correct values. Computers in the classroom greatly aid the manipulation and monitoring of each child.[34]

Much sensitive information about the child and his family are elicited in the tests’ “background questions,” and the child is assigned a unique number to follow him all through school and further testing of his progress. The information is fed into huge computerized databanks that are necessary for the information network of the School-to-Work system. This system — which copies that of Communist China — is part of the global workforce and planned economy, and could affect the child’s prospects for university admission or employment. Teachers and schools are linked with the students and also tracked to see if they are enabling successful outcomes; if not, they could suffer professionally.[35] Note that scholarship and college entrance tests are being redesigned to measure applicants’ attitudes, so home and private school students will not be able to pass on the basis of academic ability alone.[36]

The School-to-Work or “Job Skills” system, already implemented across the United States, sets quotas for jobs. Enforced “vocational education” will train children (“human resources”) from kindergarten for jobs needed by government or industry. “The ultimate goal is an international workforce, centrally controlled, locally managed, and loyal to the new global ... ideals” — a “Total Quality Management (TQM) System that will standardize and manage workers, education, communities, and governments around the world.”[37]

Accentuate the Positive

In the new world order, happiness means no competition, failure, right or wrong. So New Age education aims to make children feel good, and is sometimes called feelings or affective education, as mentioned above. Children are constantly made to discuss their feelings. They soon learn that feelings, not absolutes, determine behaviour. Child Abuse programs tell them if someone’s touch feels good, it’s okay, but if it doesn’t, it’s child abuse. This instruction opens the door to both promiscuity and wild allegations of abuse. In general, of course, deciding for yourself whether something is right or wrong, without reference to God’s stated views on the matter, is making yourself God.

Continually promoted also is self-esteem and self-acceptance. But the virtues of self-control and self-denial are ignored, so the end result is self-centredness and narcissism. The self-esteem movement has its roots in the teachings of the early nineteenth-century French philosopher Auguste Comte, whose mentor was a Mason. Comte founded Positive Religion or, as he termed it, the Religion of Humanity. The Religion of Humanity, whose “object of worship is humanity as a collective female entity,” is better known as sociology. Sociology is the science of managing the world, to enable the global collectivist society. Its “practical work” is “the organization of feeling.” Like the other nineteenth-century revolutionary educators, Comte proposed that education not be “wasted in useless academic studies.”[38]

One of Comte’s well-known modern disciples, syncretistic tele-evangelist Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral in California, sees self-esteem as “the new Reformation,” i.e., the new revolution. Sin and hell are defined as the loss of self-esteem. Jesus was “Self-Esteem Incarnate,” and if His gospel “can be proclaimed as a theology of self-esteem, imagine the health this could generate in society!”[39]

Interestingly, the self-esteem movement has been blamed for an “epidemic” of pessimism and depression amongst children by Martin Seligman, a psychology professor and expert in childhood depression. He says children know that if everybody’s special, nobody is. “Self-esteem,” he adds, “issues not from endless, often unearned praise,” but from accomplishment.[40] Of course, since the goal of the self-esteem movement is the destruction of Christianity, a little bit of depression would be acceptable “collateral damage.”

Note that Coulson and Rogers first applied non-directive, non-judgmental therapy to schizophrenics in Wisconsin. Being rebuffed on attempting to set up a similar experiment for normal people, they moved to California. There, admits Coulson, “we picked on school children because they were the most compliant.” Six hundred Immaculate Heart of Mary teaching nuns and 59 schools took part in the experiment. Eighteen months later, all the nuns had quit teaching (most later left their order, as they could not accept authority outside themselves) and only two schools remained in the system.[41]

Coulson realizes the rapid disintegration occurred because

Christianity is based on absolutes. Non-directive education rejects absolutes and embraces subjectively-chosen alternatives. When any person is convinced that all authority for conduct lies within himself — that one decision or conclusion is as good as another — the inevitable result is rebellion against authority and deterioration of moral conduct.[42]

Non-directive education is obviously successful in enabling children to break with their parents’ traditional religious values, a necessary prerequisite for accepting the values of the new world order. It has Masonry written all over it. As Pope Leo XIII explained, in education controlled by Masonry, “nothing which treats of the most important and most holy duties of men to God shall be introduced into the instructions on morals.”[43]

Every Child a Mental Patient

In feeling-good education, discipline was thrown out as it allegedly hindered creativity. Rogers deplored teachers who favoured “neatness, quiet, order and ‘being right,’ out of which can come conservatism [and] rigidity.” He advocated “messiness, noise, confusion and mistakes, out of which may come originality, creativity and genius.”[44] The National Education Association (NEA), a prime agent of global education, added that

teachers who conform to the traditional institutional mode are out of place.... They might find fulfillment as ... guards in maximum security prisons ... or agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation ... but they damage teaching, children, and themselves by staying in the classroom.[45]

Since teachers don’t want to damage children, they are easily trained to believe that teaching facts is old-fashioned. Their education manuals say they must be “social engineers.” They are engaged in “clinical practice” and must “diagnose” the “basic personality patterns” with which a child enters school (i.e., the values learnt from his parents) through questionnaires, diaries, role playing, visiting the child’s home, etc. Then they are to “alter” the child’s personality pattern to achieve the desired goals or else “our society may decay.”[46]

In 1946, Brock Chisolm (head of the World Health Organization and close friend of Communist Alger Hiss) outlined these goals, which are the same as those of psychotherapy. In the journal Psychiatry he wrote that “a program of re-education [note the Communist term for brainwashing] or a new kind of education” was necessary whereby

the science of living should be ... taught to all children.... Only so ... can we help our children to carry out their responsibilities as world citizens.... To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.... We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, ... our priests.... The re-interpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives of ... psychotherapy. Would they not be legitimate objectives of original education?[47]

Teachers are change agents and social engineers, trained to alter a child's personality pattern (values learnt from his parents).

Teachers have been led to believe that every child enters school mentally ill and in need of healing. In 1972, a Harvard professor of education and psychiatry told a teachers’ convention:

Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of this nation.... It’s up to you as teachers to make all of these sick children well, by creating the international children of the future.[48]

In 1979, education critic Barbara Morris noted that certified teachers are those who have received change agent training, and only those who submit to continuous “inservice training” (professional development) retain their certification.[49] But most parents today still are not aware of the true role of teachers and schools because the change agents have been largely “undercover.” They have been instructed to use subterfuge by innovating quietly, using “educationese” jargon, and keeping parents away from textbooks, classrooms, and the personal dossiers compiled on their children.[50] Parents who have challenged the system have indeed encountered such techniques.

In line with Carl Rogers’ dictum on noise and messiness, the National Association for the Education of Young Children advises American and Canadian teachers[51]:

The traditional elementary school classroom with neat rows of desks and students quietly working is not the best way to teach children....


• Use mostly structured activities led by the teacher.
• Expect children to sit quietly and listen for long periods....
• Focus on negative rules such as “Don’t hit”....
• Use a lot of worksheets, workbooks or flashcards.


• Plan activities so children can work individually or in small groups [i.e., wander around and chat].
• Plan activities so children can help each other....
• Expect a noisy classroom.

Of course, instead of Rogers’ predicted crop of geniuses, we are reaping a harvest of illiterates thanks also to the proliferation of field trips and projects (called experiential education or active or real-world learning[52]), the replacement of spelling, grammar and punctuation by “creative writing,” and the banning of memorization. Further, the philosophy of not focussing on so-called negative rules like “don’t hit” is producing children who massacre their peers.

... Continued in Part II

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Schematic Chart of New Age Education


1. Cornelia R. Ferreira, “What is Catholic Education?”, Catholic Family News, June 2003.
2. Barbara M. Morris, Change Agents in the Schools (Upland, CA: The Barbara M. Morris Report, 1979), pp. 249-50.
3. For a summary of New Age tenets see Cornelia R. Ferreira, The New Age Movement: The Kingdom of Satan on Earth (Scarborough, Ont.: Canisius Books, 1991).
4. Antony C. Sutton, America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (Billings, MT: Liberty House Press, 1991), pp. 62-63, 77-80, 103, 118-19. Both Presidents Bush also belong to Skull and Bones (ibid., p. 22; “My Heritage is Part of Who I Am,” Time, 7 August 2000, p. 42).
5. Sutton, pp. 63, 77, 79, 86. Both Herbart and Hegel were followers of Freemason Johann Fichte, who devised the dialectical process: engender a conflict of thesis and antithesis to produce a compromise synthesis closer to the desired goal. See Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Now is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order (Oklahoma City: Hearthstone Publications, 1991), pp. 32, 74.
6. Dennis L. Cuddy, “A Chronology of Education: With Quotable Quotes,” The Florida Forum, Special ed., May 1993, p. 1.
7. Encyclical Letter Humanum Genus On Freemasonry, n. 21.
8. Such as Johns Hopkins, Columbia Teachers’ College, the University of Chicago’s School of Education, and many others, including even the U.S. Naval Academy: Sutton, pp. 87-93, 97-100.
9. Ibid., pp. 101-2, 108.
10. Michael Kesterton, “Social Studies,” The Globe and Mail (Toronto), 23 March 2000, p. A20.
11. Sutton, p. 101.
12. Humanists themselves, in Humanist Manifesto I, signed in 1933 by Dewey and other socialists, call their belief system religious humanism. Further, in 1987, a U.S. District Judge ruled that secular humanism is “a religious belief system” whose promotion in schools would constitute “an illegal establishment of a state-sponsored religion” (Robert H. Goldsborough, “America’s State Religion,” American Research Foundation [Baltimore], April 1991, p. 1).
13. Note that change agents are also putting Dewey’s ideas to work within the Church, forming a pseudo-Catholic Church to fit the new world community. See Cornelia R. Ferreira, “From Catholicism to Counterchurch: Community on Pilgrimage,” Catholic Family News, August and September 2002.
14. William Marra, “We Overcame Their Traditions, We Overcame Their Faith,” The Latin Mass, January-February 1994, p. 14.
15. John A. Stormer, None Dare Call it Education (Florissant, MO: Liberty Bell Press, 1998), pp. 159-68. To lessen the values gap, parents and the public are being similarly conditioned through parent/community/school “partnerships,” adult education and family literacy services (literacy in global values).
16. Coulson says, “Humanistic psychotherapy, the kind that has virtually taken over the Church in America, and dominates so many forms of aberrant education like sex education ... holds that the most important source of authority is within you....” He destroyed many religious by having them “look within” themselves. Any Catholic doctrine found there was termed “phoniness.” Only their deepest longings, including sexual ones, were considered “the real self,” and they had to act on them to be “authentic” persons. See Marra, ibid.
In 1981, H. J. Blackham, a founder of the International Humanist and Ethical Union, remarked that schools which teach dependence on one’s self, “are more revolutionary than any conspiracy to overthrow the government”: Cuddy, Chronology, p. 26.
17. Cf. Charlotte T. Iserbyt, “No American Left Alone!”, Wisconsin Report (Brookfield, WI), 9 May 2002, p. 1; Cuddy, pp. 32, 34.
18. The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York: The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., 1913), s.v. “Masonry,” pp. 782-83.
19. Ferreira, New Age Movement, p. 12.
20. “What are the Russian Schools Doing?”, The New Republic, 5 December 1928. Cited in Dennis Laurence Cuddy, The Road to Socialism and the New World Order (Highland City, FL: Florida Pro Family Forum, 1995), p. 71. Humanism is Communism disguised for Western consumption.
21. Cuddy, Chronology, p. 6.
22. Ibid., p. 17.
23. Ibid., p. 29.
24. “Straight Out of Vladimir Turchenko,” The Wanderer, 5 December 1996.
25. Bertram F. Collins, “What is Being Taught in the Public Schools?” (West Palm Beach, FL: By the Author, 1986), p. 6; Cuddy, p. 27.
26. A social service textbook in 1919 predicted that “... as familism weakens, society [i.e., the State] has to assume a larger parenthood. The school begins to assume responsibility for the functions thrust upon it.... The kindergarten grows downward toward the cradle and there arises talk of neighborhood nurseries.... The child passes more and more into the custody of community experts.... We may expect in the socialist commonwealth a system of public educational agencies that will begin with the nursery and follow the individual through life.” See Cuddy, p. 5.
27. “Who Would Build on a Crumbled Foundation?”, The Family Educator, March/April 1990, p. 3. According to Rogers, “Sensitivity training is a means for altering the basic personality structure of an individual” (Ed Dieckmann, Jr., Beyond Jonestown: ‘Sensitivity Training’ and the Cult of Mind Control [Torrance, CA: The Noontide Press, 1981], p. 90). This is because it is group criticism, a brainwashing technique used by Communist regimes. The National Education Association, through its National Training Laboratories, started pushing sensitivity training since at least 1962 — recognizing it as brainwashing. It stated the following in its training manual for group leaders or facilitators: “Human relations training [another name for group criticism, encounter groups, group therapy, sensitivity training, affective education or situation ethics] fits into a context of institutional procedures which includes coercive persuasion in the form of thought reform or brainwashing” (ibid., pp. 4, 13-14, 54-56). Doctors and psychiatrists say sensitivity training de-sensitizes the individual to the needs of those around him and “makes healthy minds sick” (ibid., p.15) — yet it is standard fare in today’s classrooms.
28. Family Educator, ibid.
29. Edna Toth, “Masons Honor Bruce,” The Scarborough [Ont.] Mirror, 31 March 1991, p. 5.
30. Family Educator, ibid.
31. Cornelia R. Ferreira, “Canadian Bishop Breaks Ranks,” Catholic Family News, August 1998, p. 3; Tonia Desiato, “Students to Get AIDS Education,” The Catholic Register (Toronto), 20 January 1997, p. 3.
32. These goals are clearly promoted: Robert Eady, “AIDS Obsession,” Catholic Insight (Toronto), April 1997, p. 14.
33. Graeme Smith, “‘I was Jumping Up and Down and Everybody was Cheering,’” Globe and Mail, 11 May 2002, p. A1; Estanislao Oziewicz, “Supreme Court Challenge Looms,” ibid., p. A10. Note this boast in Gay Community News (Boston), 15-21 February 1987 (cited by Bradley Hamilton in Human Life International’s Special Canadian Report, September 1992, p. 7): “We shall sodomize your sons.... We shall seduce them in your schools, ... in your seminaries, in your youth groups.... Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.”
34. Charlotte T. Iserbyt, Back to Basics Reform or ... Skinnerian International Curriculum? (Bath, ME: By the Author, 1993), pp. 26-27, 47.
35. Michigan Alliance of Families, Jul/Aug Newsletter — Vol. IV [1996?]; Melanie K. Fields et al, “When Johnny Takes the Test,” The Christian Conscience, September 1995, p. 8; Paul Likoudis, “Pennsylvania Moms Vow to Kill State-Mandated Values Tests,” The Wanderer, 5 March 1992, p. 1; Cuddy, p. 33.
36. Allen Quist, “The New Federal Curriculum and How It’s Enforced,” Education Reporter, March 2002, p. 3.
37. Ibid.; Iserbyt, “No American”; “Johnson Defends Privacy,” The [Eagle] Forum, Fall 1996, p. 5; Berit Kjos, “Workforce Development Means Life-Long Indoctrination,” Wisconsin Report, 4 September 1997, p. 7.
38. Cuddy, Dawning, p. 79; Erica Carle, “Government Religion in the United States,” Wisconsin Report, 15 and 22 May 2003, p. 3.
39. Cited in Rick Miesel, “Robert Schuller: General Teachings/Activities,” Biblical Discernment Ministries, May 1994, with attached quotes. According to Miesel, Schuller’s mentor was the famous 20th century positivist, 33rd degree Mason Norman Vincent Peale. Schuller has stated, “I don’t think anything has been done ... under the banner of Christianity that has proven more destructive to human personality and hence counterproductive to the evangelism enterprise than the ... unchristian strategy of attempting to make people aware of their lost and sinful condition.” Yet Schuller has often spoken at conferences with priests and bishops, such as John Bertolucci, Michael Scanlon, ex-priest Matthew Fox, Richard McBrien and Cardinal Bernardin. His 1,000th Anniversary television show presented testimonies from his fans, including Mother Teresa. When planning his Crystal Cathedral, he asked Pope John Paul to bless the building plans. According to the article, “Divine Mercy” (The Marian Helpers Bulletin, January-March 1987, p. 12), Schuller was featured by the Marianist priests of Stockbridge, Massachusetts, in their 1987 interfaith film on God’s mercy, along with the Pope, Mother Teresa and Father Bertolucci. Positive religion has made great inroads in the Catholic Church and her schools!
40. Martin Levin, “Undervaluing Fathers Costs Society Dearly,” Globe and Mail, 14 September 1995, p. A22.
41. “Father of the Human-Potential Movement Singing a New Tune ...,” ibid., 15 April 1994, p. A26; Marra, ibid.
42. Family Educator, ibid.
43. Humanum Genus, ibid.
44. Morris, p. 49.
45. Ibid., p. 54. (Emphasis added.)
46. Ibid., pp. 54-57. At the NEA’s 1934 conference, Willard Givens, who would head the organization for 17 years and then the education program of the Supreme Council, 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite, said, “[A]ll of us ... must be subjected to a large degree of social control ... the major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual. It must seek to give him understanding of the transition to a new social order” (Cuddy, p. 7). Homeschooling parents, note that this is the meaning of the objection, “But what about the socialization of your children?”
47. Morris, p. 55. Cuddy, Chronology, p. 9.
48. Cuddy, p. 19.
49. Page 56.
50. Morris, pp. 58-64.
51. “Check Style DOs and DON’Ts,” Better Teaching, Sample Issue, 1992, p. 4. (Emphasis in original.)
52. Steve Benjamin, “An Ideascape for Education: What Futurists Recommend,” Educational Leadership, September 1989, p. 8 (first published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1989).

Originally published in Catholic Family News, September 2003.
(Bold emphases added.)

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The principles of Catholic education have been set forth by these Popes:

Pope Pius XI

Pius XI

Pope St. Pius X

St. Pius X

Pope Leo XIII


Blessed Pope Pius IX

Pius IX

and by

St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas


These principles are explained and contrasted with New Age education in the article that can be read





The Blueprint
Catholic Education

The blueprint for Catholic education is Pope Pius XI's encyclical Divini Illius Magistri On the Christian Education of Youth


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