Canisius Books was founded in Toronto, Canada, in 1991, in order to publish materials exposing the New Age/New World Order roots of today's Catholic Revolt.
We especially wished to make widely available the ground-breaking research of internationally-recognized Canadian author and lecturer Cornelia Ferreira, who has spent over 30 years refuting the New Age errors corroding the Catholic Faith from within and without.
Besides the books and articles of Cornelia Ferreira, Canisius Books is also pleased to offer books by other highly-acclaimed Catholic writers such as Deirdre Manifold and John Vennari.
Canisius Books has also reprinted vital pre-conciliar papal encyclicals that highlight errors of today like Freemasonry, ecumenism and corrupt Catholic education.
Further, Canisius Books seeks to aid Catholic piety by publishing traditional devotional materials.
ALSO AVAILABLE: Recordings of Cornelia Ferreira's edifying and informative talks and interviews exposing current errors in the Church and society.
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Our Motto: "For the Triumph of the Rights of God and His Church"
The revolt against God today is seen in the attempt to establish the rights of man-as-god and the planet-as-god. The result is endless war and strife.
Canisius Books is dedicated to the defence of the rights of God and the restoration of the Catholic Faith, i.e., the Kingdom of Christ, the only guarantor of world peace.
Our motto is taken from the following prayer:
Indulgenced Prayer to Christ the King
CHRIST JESUS, I acknowledge Thee King of the Universe. All that has been made has been created for Thee. Make full use of Thy rights over me. I renew the promises I made in Baptism, when I renounced Satan and all his pomps and works, and I promise to live a good Christian life; and especially I undertake to help, to the extent of my means, to secure the triumph of the rights of God and of Thy Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee my efforts to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Thy Sacred Royalty, and that so the Kingdom of Thy peace may be established throughout the entire universe. Amen.
Plenary indulgence once a day under the usual conditions. (Raccolta, n. 272)
JESUS, King and Centre of all hearts, through the advent of Thy Kingdom, grant us peace.